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The Windermere PTA is about more than just meetings and cake sales. We host fun activities and events throughout the year that foster a strong sense of community within and around the school, while raising funds to support our children. We organise seasonal fairs and raffles, sell pre-loved uniform, recycle textiles and more. We always do something special for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and of course we do like the occasional cake sale!

We spend the funds we raise on activities and items that impact the whole school, which means that every child in every class benefits. Every year we subsidise coaches for school trips, so that every child is able to participate. We contribute to the school Christmas lunch and we subsidise hoodies for our Leavers. In addition, we try to fund an extra activity for each class every year. In the 2020/21 school year, we also purchased new iPads for the school and a new projector for the school hall.

Every parent or carer of children attending Windermere is automatically a member of the PTA, therefore we warmly welcome you to be actively involved in whatever way you can. We would love to hear your ideas, and we always enjoy seeing new faces at our meetings and events.

The PTA Committee are a small team, but we are very grateful for the strong support of the school, and our enthusiastic and committed parents and volunteers.

The Committee members are:

  • Chair – Kim, Year 6
  • Treasurer – Toby, Years 5 and 6
  • Secretary – Tori, Year 3


The following companies offer discounts or make donations to the school for your purchases (or both!). You can help raise funds for the school just by using these links:

easyfundraising – raise free donations by shopping at over 6,000 retailers: 

NameTags4U - name labels for uniform

Stamptastic - name stamps for uniform

Stikins - name labels for uniform, use code 25531


Our calendar of upcoming events can be found here.

Contact Us

If you would like to volunteer, make a donation, or get more involved with the PTA, we would love to hear from you! There are many ways to reach us:

Classlist – current parents, carers and staff can join here.

PTA Events – book tickets, buy pre-loved uniform, read our latest newsletters or volunteer to help here.

Facebook (private group) – current parents, carers and staff can join the group “Windermere Primary School PTA” here.

Facebook (public page) – follow us here.

Email us at:

We are registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales as “Windermere School P.T.A”. Our charity number is 1104330.